I grew up in a small suburb of Columbus, Ohio called Grandview Heights. It is a wonderful little part of the planet where my childhood was intertwined with turmoil and splendor. And though my life during that time was far from harmonious, I do recognize the beauty too. Growing up I was fortunate enough to walk to school, ride my bike around town, and play hopscotch on the driveway. It is place where sidewalks connected friends and Kick the Can was an all out neighborhood event.
I loved exploring and getting into just enough trouble that I stayed out of jail and still graduated high school by the skin of my teeth. I never aspired to be a writer, my grammar has never been very good. I once wrote a note to my mom on a napkin that read: “mom, there is ants in the kitchen.” We still laugh at that today.
In 2014 I realized that I had life experiences and thoughts that I wanted to share with the world, I began writing a blog.
I have always been a curious person. After lots of work writing and reflecting in my blog, I was not surprised that I eventually came around to asking, what I believe is one of the most important questions a person can ask, “How can I create peace on the planet?”
Not only was this the inspiration for my first book, but I discovered a greater inner peace that continues to evolve as I love and accept all of who I am.
There is an extraordinary change taking place in the world. More and more people are having a greater connection with their own heart center. This entails living from a place of love, compassion and kindness. As this evolution continues, peace gets nurtured as a way of life on earth. We start creating a peaceful coexistence with all living beings, including all people, plants and animals.
Things I love:
Nature, trees, plants, animals (particularly cats), people, kids books, food (particularly pizza and cupcakes), laughter, yoga, feeling my emotions, hugs, inspiring conversations, the beach, water, rainbows, dancing in the moonlight, singing in the car and meditating on a rock.
Things I believe in:
Faeries, love, forgiveness, myself and that Peace On Earth is attainable.