Not now

i'll do it
I’ll do it tomorrow…
I’ll do it in the morning…
I’ll do it next week…
I’ll do it after the weekend…
I’ll do it in the spring…
I’ll do it before I graduate high school…
I’ll do it before I finish college…
I’ll do it after the new year…
I’ll do it before I get married…
I’ll do it before I have kids…
I’ll do it after the kids grow up…
I’ll do it after I retire…
I’ll do it before I
Sometimes procrastination can be a maturing of ideas,  an allowing of the flow of life, or a trusting that all is as it is for a reason. OR, sometimes we are letting fear make our choices, or we don’t do something out of avoidance.  We find something else to do, ANYTHING but tending to what keeps showing up in our lives to be seen.
Take time to sit and contemplate why you are making the choices you are making in your life.  Are you running and hiding or are you facing the unknown with bravery?  The first step is recognition.  Then you can decide how you want to move through your life. Do you want to proceed in love or in fear?  If you are waiting for the “perfect” time to do something, it’s NOW!

♥Much love and light

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