be creative

spring 2015

Every human on the planet has the need for creativity and play.  Take time to nurture those needs by doing something fun! Write a haiku! Draw a picture! Play hopscotch! Dance and sing! Whatever makes your heart soar and puts a smile on your face, Do it! Here are a few Haiku’s that I wrote:
sunlight dries the morning dew
love song in the air
bleeding hearts drying
golden sunlight beaming down
a walk on the road
drifting along slugs
steam rises lilac’s nectar
a car passes-life

I hope these inspire you to take some time to nurture your creativity and have fun! ♥LOVE AND LIGHT

  1. John Hoberg
    John Hoberg
    May 13, 2015 at 10:58 am

    It’s a joy to see
    A human being blossom
    Right before you.

    • 207love
      May 13, 2015 at 4:18 pm

      What a sweet thing to say! Thank you John. xo

    • 207love
      May 13, 2015 at 8:50 pm

      I just realized you wrote your comment as a haiku! haha! love it and appreciate it even more! very clever!

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