
Where the sidewalk ends, JUMP!
Shel Silverstein is one of my favorite poets and “Where the Sidewalk Ends,” is one of my favorite books! I recently bought a copy for myself and two as gifts.  As I stood in line reading the cover, I thought, “Jump!  Keep going, kids! Don’t be afraid! Live on the edge!” And a new blog was born.
Sometimes our thoughts can be so paralyzing that we become inactive.  We let fear, worry, and doubt stop us from moving forward.  Our mind starts spinning tails of illusion which become a catalyst for fear arising inside. We are afraid to take a step into the unknown.  We freeze and become complacent with the way things are in our life, even when our heart is telling us to make a change.  If you are feeling scared and wanting to make a change in your life but don’t know where to start, take a breath and jump!  My friends, I don’t mean leap off the top of a building, plummeting your way to an early transition of this life. What I DO mean, is to take that leap where the sidewalk ends.
I was having tea with a friend and we were talking about what I want to do in my life.  I mentioned that I want to write and have a children’s book published.  Right after those words came out of my mouth, another dear friend, doubt came to visit:  “But first I need to figure out my demographic audience,  I have to find an illustrator, do I self-publish or find a publisher, do I need to take a writing course first?!” Before I created more obstacles for myself as to why I am not writing this book that I want to have published, my friend looked at me and said, “Have you written the book yet?” I replied “No.”  She then helped put me at ease by saying “Write the book, your audience, illustrator and publisher will come in the perfect moment.”  She reminded me to not let the story I am creating in my head, with my dear friends’ doubt, worry and fear, overpower my heart’s desire. I went home that afternoon and wrote a children’s book. No joke! The ideas came flowing out of me.  I now have submissions out to publishers. I don’t know when it will transpire into a book and that is okay. I did it for me and the rest will fall into place when ready. Where I told myself the sidewalk ends, I JUMPED! I moved past all my doubts, worries and fears and having “all my ducks in a row” stories, to listen to my heart.
There is a little sign on the cover of “Where the Sidewalk Ends,” that reads “EDGE, Keep off!” I want to invite you to not keep off the edge, but LIVE ON THE EDGE!  Experience all that is available here on this planet. Explore! Do something daring and exciting! Get out of your comfort zone and see what’s happening in the world!  There is so much happening!  Follow your heart.  If you want to make a change but don’t know where to begin, take some time to sit quietly. Ask yourself one or two of these questions: “What do I want to do? What is my heart telling me? Am I enjoying my life? What gifts do I have to share? Am I at peace with where I am in my life?”  Listen closely and become intimate with your heart.  The more connected you become with the stillness of your soul, the better you will consciously hear the guidance of your heart. Your heart will lead you to understand your inner voice that is love.
♥ much love and light

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