Own the moment Accept and love all of me All of you Live from my heart center Spread the love Breathe through and feel my emotions so they don't get stuck in my body Be in the moment "This is what I'm doin'" Breathe in the moment Be the best of myself at any given moment I have a choice on how to live my life Choose love Choose happiness Be at peace and acceptance with all that is occurring in life Be fully available to what is happening Play Embody: Peace Integrity Joy Love Relax and trust Harmony and balance will always be restored. It's the law of nature. -Make a reminder list for yourself. One that helps you to live in the moment with love and acceptance for yourself! xo *No need to consult your doctor before you do this. Love and Light
Julie Gray
April 15, 2015 at 8:53 amBeautiful Erin! Thanks for sharing the Love.
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