food for thought

food for thought2
If what you thought
And if what you’ve sought
You thought could be bought
Dig deeper into the plot
Untie your love knot
It does not take a lot
To unearth what you’ve got
It is just that you forgot.
Give your heart a shot
To show YOU what YOU’VE got!
Just some food for thought.
Yes, purchasing something new creates endorphins which gives you a feeling of happiness, but it is not long lasting.  I know this from experience!  Going out and buying something new will not change the job you don’t like, the relationship you feel unhappy in or help you to love yourself fully. The true lasting happiness, joy, peace, love, and acceptance comes from within.  Listening to your heart is the elixir to nurturing those unsettled feelings or filling in the “hole” you feel inside.
Invitation:  Take time daily to sit in silence, connect with your breath and listen to what your heart has to share.
♥love and light

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